The average house price on EMPRESS AVENUE is £501,538
The most expensive house in the street is 5 EMPRESS AVENUE with an estimated value of £669,769
The cheapest house in the street is 2 EMPRESS AVENUE with an estimated value of £383,535
The house which was most recently sold was 1 EMPRESS AVENUE, this sold on 23 Aug 2023 for £550,000
The postcode for EMPRESS AVENUE is TR18 2UQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EMPRESS AVENUE Detached £560,102 £550,000 23 Aug 2023
2 EMPRESS AVENUE Detached , 216 m2 £383,535 £305,000 23 Apr 2018
3 EMPRESS AVENUE Detached £484,849 £280,000 4 Jan 2012
4 EMPRESS AVENUE Detached , 111 m2 £409,437 £320,000 31 Aug 2017
5 EMPRESS AVENUE Detached , 146 m2 £669,769 £190,000 30 Mar 2001